Workplace Violence: Prevention and Planning for Small Business (news article)

Small businesses are adding active shooter training for their employees (story here). While the threat is still low, the impact of workplace violence can shutter a business. Ways you can improve readiness and reduce risk: – Research local companies and decide what training is best for your staff. We recommend behavioral training that helps your staff understand the panic response and […]
Safety Tips for College Kids

If you missed our Campus Safety 101 workshops, share this article with your kids. We were asked by to share tips for college safety. Read more:
Upcoming: Presenting at PMI Conference December 5-6

Focused for Healthcare professionals, we will be presenting on active threat safety for healthcare providers at this year’s Practice Management Institute conference. Join us in San Antonio, TX December 5-6, 2019. More information and to register:
Article: The Depths of Our Defense

“I have this fantasy: I’m FINALLY in the right place, at the right time, and heroically, I stop an active shooter from spraying bullets into a crowd. Sometimes, I tackle them from behind, hauling my body over them, and wrestling away the rifle. Other times, I talk them down and convince them to give me […]
Navigating Teen Relationships Workshop

If you missed our Campus Safety 101 workshops, share this article with your kids. We were asked by to share tips for college safety. Read more: Previous Next
VIDEO: Interview with Lifestyle Frisco

Heidi had the honor of spending some time with Wendi McGowan-Ellis to talk about First Defense and how we work to create safter schools and businesses. Additional video notes:
Feature Article – Voyage Dallas

If you missed our Campus Safety 101 workshops, share this article with your kids. We were asked by to share tips for college safety. Read more: Previous Next
March Community Workshops

We had a great turnout for our March community workshops where we talked about the Anatomy of Fear. Parkland Hospital brought a team of nurses to train and certify participants on Stop the Bleed. This course will be offered again in Summer 2018 so follow us on Facebook for update
School Security Is Not What You Think

First Defense sat down with Lifestyle Frisco to discuss their methodology for making schools safer. Is your school attacking the issue in multiple ways? Is arming teachers really the answer? How can we do better? Read the full article here. How Schools Have Changed Security after Sandy Hook

Not a direct quote, sort of a compilation of things I said, but nonetheless the point is that we can do more to protect our schools, and we can do more to protect ourselves at our own offices. We have the most opportunity before an event, which is why training is so important, however, schools […]