Online training is a great way to inform your staff and improve their safety. Self-paced learning via static webinars or live online meetings are both available.

Our training modules follow the FEMA & DHS-defined components of emergency preparation: Prevent, Protect, Mitigate, Respond, & Recover. Course options are available online and include:


BCM is the pathway you create to move your organization through a crisis, regardless of what that crisis is. It’s all about creating resilience for your business model as well as your employees. It’s risk management that covers scenarios like life safety in an active shooting, facility damage from a burst pipe, ransomware attacks, a reputational crisis, or even a global pandemic.

There are many ways to create a BCM plan but the success and usefulness correspond to the level of effort and quality of the content. While you can download a free template if you don’t have context for the importance of the task or why you need to do it, how will the plan ever become a robust, useful tool?

We are nationally certified Continuity Management professionals and have created a process that is accessible to small businesses.

Our BCM planning modules include all the spreadsheets you need, read-along guidance, and online webinars for additional reference. We’re here to talk to you live in person if you need more info.

BCM adds value to your company by making it more competitive. Think of it as a warranty that tells your clients, partners, and staff that you are ready to deliver on your commitments, no matter what.


Training is created in-house and is focused for the specific industry. Employees in a business have different situations and training needs than teachers. Teachers need training that includes how to protect vulnerable kids. Healthcare workers need training that includes protection against patients as well as how to protect those patients in an active shooting or other disaster.

Ideal for employee on-boarding and town halls, our training shows your team that you care about their welfare and ability to help each other.

Our training modules follow the FEMA & DHS-defined components of emergency preparation: Prevent, Protect, Mitigate, Respond, & Recover. Course options are available online and include:


When did you last review the security of your site? Our thorough facility audits help you ensure security for your people and property. All audits include a thorough review of each building, employee and guest access protocols, access points, inventory of existing security systems, surveys of on-site employees, evacuation routes, intruder assessment, and so much more. Use the audit to identify and reduce gaps in your existing emergency preparedness plans, or even to lower your insurance premiums.


Crisis leadership


All leaders want their organization to survive a crisis, but few know how to thrive after the crisis has passed. In this FREE download, you will learn the key characteristics of an effective crisis leader, how to retain your staff, and how to encourage resilience as a part of the daily culture.